Pretraining Questions

Home Forums DeepFaceLab Training Pretraining Questions

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  • #8972

      I have watched the tuts and videos but can’t seem to find what I am trying to do.

      Are you able to do the pre-training with the internal faces and then swap out the DST files when you are making a new destination video?
      Or do you have to have the DST files in the work folder and pretrain each time?

      I guess in short I am asking how I can apply the pre-trained model to each new project that I work on.

      Not so related to training:
      Lastly, are you able to use DFL for photo deepfakes? I recall seeing that I can just place the photos in the DST folder, name them 00001, 00002, etc and then extract the faces and do the training.


        I found my answers but there is no way to delete my post.
        admin or mods, feel free to delete

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